Welcome ashore...

Tiny Isles are a generative collection of peaceful islands, living fully on-chain. They are an art/collectible project with no currently planned functionality beyond that.

You can mint v1 of Tiny Isles for 0.01 ETH each. v2 is in progress, and planned to be significantly more complex. Follow @heyrongo on Twitter for updates.

Tiny Isles v1

Available now. Edition of 5,555. View on OpenSea and LooksRare, or mint below. You can find the contract on Etherscan here.

Remaining isles: Connect wallet to view
Wallet address: Not connected

Tiny Isles v2

Coming soon.


The Archipelago

The first 150 Tiny Isles form The Archipelago, which can be viewed below. Isles you own are highlighted in white. Blank squares are Isles that have yet to be minted.

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